Wednesday, May 16, 2012

City of Hialeah Mural OQuinn Park

I was recently commissioned to do a Mural in the City of Hialeah Parks and Recreation building at OQuinn Park. The mural was for their new Vurtual Fintess Program. They asked me to depict kids playing video games at home, then coming to the park to play the Virtual Fitness Program and Finally signing up for team sports. I'm happy with the way it turned out despite the several challenges I encountered while completing it.

Concept Sketch

Digital Color Study

Final Mural

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Friday, January 13, 2012

Importance of a Strong Silhouette

A strong Silhouette is important in communicating a clear pose. This enhances the clarity of the character and the story. I've been very conscious of this in my drawings lately, and I take the extra step to create a silhouette to see how well it reads alone.

Sherlock Holmes Silhouette

My final Illustration